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培训代表USM的合规计划的核心组成部分,通过提供 个人理解法律所必需的信息. 此外,培训可以促进 an organizational culture that fosters a commitment to compliance with the applicable laws. 在每个子菜单中,您可以找到有关我们培训计划的信息. 

  • Launch of USM Cybersecurity Course- October, 2023 due for completion by January, 2024
    • 该课程必须由所有教职员工完成,包括兼职.  Some graduate 学生可能会根据其角色的性质被分配课程. 
    • Training is required by both federal and state law- see section below entitled Federally 和国家要求的培训.
    •  通过我们的供应商(要求你完成课程. 
    • 每两年需要进行一次培训.  如果你在2021年完成训练,你 是否应该或将会收到要求你再次完成课程的邮件.  Please do so in a timely manner.
      • USM网络安全意识培训
      • 一般资料保护规例(GDPR)
      • 格雷姆-里奇-比利利法案(GLBA)
    • iTech将监督资讯安全提供的额外合规课程的推出. 有关网络安全培训的问题,请发送电子邮件 infosecFREEMississippi.

  • 财务利益冲突披露
    • 每年9月1日,全职教师需要完成他们的FCOI Disclosure. 使用下面的链接访问 FCOI Disclosure.



  • Use the link above to access USM compliance courses through the Get Inclusive platform.
  • 使用以下凭证登录:
    • Username: (w+ID#)
    • 密码:九游会国际id密码
  • 这不包括访问其他系统上的下列课程.
    • USM网络安全意识培训
    • 一般资料保护规例(GDPR)
    • 格雷姆-里奇-比利利法案(GLBA)
    • 财务利益冲突
  • Please note we reserve the right to add additional courses based on the needs of the institution.


    • 下面列出的课程有适用于它们的特定课程披露. Please 复习与你所分配的课程相关的信息.
  • 第九条课程披露
    • Title IX: Identify, Stop, Prevent, and Remedy Sexual Harassment and Sexual Discrimination
      • The contents of the Title IX training course contain some sensitive material involving 预防性暴力.
      • 如果你在培训期间需要性暴力幸存者的帮助,请联系 the following:
        • 学生咨询中心,电话:601-266-4829
        • 谢弗危机干预中心,601-264-7777
      • 有关第九条的更多信息,请访问第九条网站 or email titleixFREEMississippi.


  • REQUIRED COURSES - Full and part-time Faculty and staff and benefit eligible adjuncts as well as affiliates are 每两年或每两(2)年完成以下课程:
    • Alcohol and Drugs —了解常用术语的基本定义,进行区分 毒品和酒精的事实和神话,描述各种药物如何影响身体,和 审查与酒精和毒品有关的法律.
    • 高等教育道德行为守则 -了解道德行为准则的组成部分,审查情况 创建一个利益冲突,描述如何报告违反道德的行为.
    • USM网络安全意识培训(iTech提供)-电子邮件 infosecFREEMississippi%20了解更多信息. [iTech决定培训的频率].
    • 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) -审查《九游会国际》规定的义务 确保学生的联邦权利得到遵守.
    • Gramm Leach Bliley (GLBA) (iTech提供)-《九游会国际》(GLBA)是一项综合性的联邦法律 影响包括高等教育机构在内的机构的法律.  Per the requirements 对法律,处理金融信息的机构必须制定、实施 and maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the security, 客户信息的完整性和保密性.  [根据法律规定,从事以下工作的人员必须每年进行一次培训 涉及处理机密的财务信息.  This training is required 根据保障规则,16 CFR 314.4.  对培训要求进行了阐述 in the interagency guidance that recommends the training provided be aimed at assisting staff in "recogniz[ing] and respond[ing] to schemes to commit fraud or identity theft." 此外,该指南指出,培训应向工作人员说明如何处置 妥善保管客户信息,并为其提供计算机安全培训 谁负责“建造”或维护“计算机系统”?.来审查机构间的合作 guidance, go to 有关更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 infosecFREEMississippi
    • Title IX: Identify, Stop, Prevent, and Remedy Sexual Harassment and Sexual Discrimination -确定教职员工的强制性报告义务,包括职称 七、写明具体的反骚扰培训要求.
  • ON DEMAND COURSES -教员,职员,福利合格的兼职人员和附属机构服务于某些角色 可能需要完成以下一门或多门课程.
    • Clery Act (for those that function as Campus Security Authorities) - Course reviews the history and purpose of the Clery Act, explains the roles and responsibilities of campus authorities (CSAs), describes the Clery Act requirements for higher education institutions, discusses procedures for receiving and reporting information on crimes subject to Clery reporting, 并对旁观者干预进行了概述. 这门课程必须每年修一次.]
    • Child Abuse Prevention (适用于在USM营地或在USM物业营地工作的人)-课程指示 the consequences of child abuse, reviews the definition of child abuse in Mississippi, 区分虐待儿童的类型及其指标/迹象,解释说 your reporting obligations, indicates who to contact about suspected abuse, and explains USM未成年人九游会国际政策是如何保护未成年人的.  [此课程必须每年完成一次].
    • Bloodborne Pathogens - Course details how to protect yourself and others and appropriate handling procedures.
    • 健康信息携带和责任法案(HIPAA)基础 - Course reviews portability in terms of ensuring that individuals maintain healthcare coverage and benefits when they switch jobs or leave the workforce and reviews accountability in terms of protecting individual's healthcare information and medical records from fraud, theft, and misuse as well as ensuring access to properly requested health information.
  • OPTIONAL COURSES -可以在你的仪表板上获得包容性.
    • Inclusive Leadership - Course examines your identity and how you share it with others, how to handle human differences, understanding and avoiding labeling and bias, reviewing concepts of power and privilege, identifying means of enhancing intercultural communications, developing 识别和应对不同于自己的沟通风格的策略, and learn techniques to resolve miscommunication related to cultural differences and misunderstandings.
    • 挂毯:适应能力 (ADA course) - Learn the fundamentals of the ADA and best practices for accommodations 为学生,教师和工作人员.
    • 工作场所的多样性、公平性和包容性 -定义多样性、公平和包容性. 识别差异类别. Explore 工作场所的微侵犯和无意识偏见.
    • 无意识偏见扩展学习 -定义无意识偏见. Explain their impact. 弄清楚我们能有意识地做些什么 to reduce them.
    • 无意识偏见微攻击学习 -重新审视什么是微侵犯以及它们的作用. 找出处理微侵犯的方法. 描述作为盟友解决微侵犯的建设性方法.
  • STUDENT REQUIRED COURSES - Freshmen and Transfer Students are required to complete the following courses annually.
    • Voices for Change - 本课程由以下模块组成:
      • Identities & Inclusion -包括关于身份形成的信息,身份是如何形成的 thought, bias and stereotyping, definition of consent, the prevalence of assault and rape culture.
      • 同意与性暴力 - Includes information defining consent, the prevalence of assault and rape culture.
      • Alcohol & Other Drugs -包括关于酒精在大学,聚会聪明和酗酒的信息.
      • 防止欺侮和恐吓 - Includes information on the USM hazing policy, the definition of hazing, prevalence 关于欺辱,关于欺辱的神话,反对欺辱的法律,欺辱和 网络欺凌,以及如何应对欺凌.
    • Mental Well-Being - Course prepares students for successful academic outcomes by fostering and enabling 寻求和提供帮助的行为.
    • Student Upstanders -课程包括第九条视频,性骚扰等术语的定义, stalking, dating violence and sexual assault, reviews sexual harassment policies and procedures, discusses how to be a bystander (including safety and reporting options, situations requiring involvement, continuum of behaviors, primary prevention and why 人们选择采取行动或不采取行动).


If any law (either Federal or State) or if an institutional policy needs to be communicated, 九游会国际可能会选择使用在线系统进行教育 整个九游会国际社区或社区内的任何团体. A variety 联邦法律影响大学必须如何处理某些事项和指示 有什么信息需要分发给整个九游会国际社区. 

    • Title IX training

根据1964年《九游国际棋牌》第四章的规定.S.C. § 2000c) which prohibits public school districts and colleges from discriminating against students 以性别为基础,以及其他基础.

1972年教育修正案第九条(标题IX), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq., 及其实施条例,34 C.F.R. 第106部分,禁止歧视 教育项目或活动的性别基础 financial assistance.

    • Alcohol and Drug Training

根据《九游国际棋牌》(见 教育部一般行政法规(EDGAR)第86部分.1 of the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations requiring Institutions of Higher Education 谁正在接受联邦基金或财政援助来发展和实施一个 防止非法拥有、使用或分发非法毒品的程序 还有学生和员工喝酒.

    • Cybersecurity Training 


格雷姆-里奇·比利利法案 适用于作为金融机构接受付款和支付的大学 因此,需要实施保障措施来保护消费者信息. The 法案要求为人员提供最新的安全意识培训 必须反映风险评估所识别的风险. 
The Act applies to organizations creating, receiving, storing and transmitting "Protected Health Information).  组织需要实现安全意识 and training program for all members of the workforce (including management) and must do so on an ongoing basis. 
支付护理行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS)
As an organization accepting credit cards, the University must comply with the requirements including the requirement to mandate cybersecurity awareness training that makes all 了解持卡人数据安全政策和程序的人员. 
Any organization supplying goods or services to a federal agency is required to implement 网络安全意识培训项目. 
适用于在欧洲经济联盟存储或传输的数据.  Under Article 39 of the GDPR, the Data Protection Officer is tasked with "awareness raising 并对参与加工操作的员工进行培训.GDPR第43条 quires data protection training is required for those with permanent or regular access to personal data.

1972年《九游会国际》第25-53-201条establishes an Enterprise Security Program for coordinating oversight of cybersecurity across state agencies.  国家机构主任或机构负责人需要发展 a security program a component of which requires training as part of an overall cybersecurity 程序,这是旨在避免潜在问题的内聚程序的最佳实践 网络安全意识带来的威胁. 

Questions: 如有疑问,请发邮件至

Child Abuse Awareness
Pursuant to USM's Minors on Campus policy, this training is required of each Authorized Adult/Program Staff member who will be participating in a program covered by the Minors on Campus policy.  除了完成“获得包容性”课程外,还需要获得授权 成人/项目工作人员也必须阅读 Minors on Campus policy;  他们必须观看USM未成年人九游会国际课程 参加这个测试  Email complianceFREEMississippi 提问或获取“Get Inclusive”课程的链接.  

If your grant funder requires you to obtain institution specific FCOI training, please email 请记住,所有全职教员都必须完成 从每年9月1日开始,他们每年披露一次FCOI. Use the following link 访问FCOI披露: 


如果任何内容不能使用辅助技术访问,请发送电子邮件 complianceFREEMississippi.


如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请发邮件给我 trainingFREEMississippi



从2021年开始,课程将每两年完成一次 every 2 years.

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